How To Give Your Cat A Bath


Many people assume that because cats clean themselves by licking their fur, they don't need to groom their cat. However, even though cats are fairly self sufficient, licking isn't grooming. When a cat licks himself clean, he covers himself in saliva and ingests large quantities of shedding hair, which he then regurgitates on the living room floor. You can eliminate these problems, as well as eliminate the cat smell and excess cat hair from your home by grooming your cat on a regular basis.

4 September 2015

The Mat On The Cat: How To Keep Your Long-Haired Kitty From Getting Tangles


Most cats are pros at grooming themselves, but long-haired breeds almost always require additional help to stay smooth and mat-free. If your cat is getting tangles and knots in its fur, there are some ways to minimize the problem. The Problem with Mats Mats form in places where the fur rubs together, such as between legs, behind ears and around collars. It's also easy for mats to form if your cat cannot groom itself for any reason, such as being ill or having surgery.

27 August 2015

5 Benefits Of Boarding Your Dog


When you are going away on a trip, one of your first thoughts is probably where you will take your dog. Your pooch is an important member of your family, so you want to make sure he is safe and happy while you are gone. Instead of bothering your friends and family to watch over your dog, looking into a dog boarding facility. Here are five benefits of boarding your dog:    

27 August 2015